
Mantle v2 Tectonic has been released, please move to the new documentation!


- Status code: 429 { "error": "API rate limit exceeded" }

The official Mantle RPC employs rate limiting to ensure stability during traffic spikes. If your particular use case involves calling the Mantle API frequently, you might run into issues that arise due to rate limiting. In case this happens, please consider connecting to third-party RPCs instead. You can find the list of available RPC providers here: Node RPC Providers

- RPC call Error: timeout

While calling the methods of our rpc (e.g. debug trace / get logs) to sync data from blocks, you may encounter the 'Timeout' issue, that's because the output of certain calls may be a large amount of data(due to big size blocks or large amount of logs) which may needs more time to be synced.

So under such situations if the call lacks of timeout parameter or the default timeout settings is too low, it may result in an error of timeout. So it is recommended that you should add a timeout parameter with the call or set hingher timeout parameter accordingly to solve the timeout issue.

Smart Contracts

- Contract deploy error: ProviderError: too many arguments, want at most 1

If you run into this issue when deploying your contract, you're probably running a newer version of Hardhat. Try manually specifying the gas limit when deploying your contract, like so:

const MyNFT = await hre.ethers.deployContract("ContractName", {
    gasLimit: "0x1000000",

If the issue persists, we recommend initializing your project with an older version of Hardhat (v2.14) by running the following command:

- Contract verification error: Hardhat found multiple contracts in the project (your MyTokenContract and the imported @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol), and it doesn't know against which one you want to verify the bytecode

If you see this error, try verifying the contract again by specifying the name of the contract that you're looking to verify. You can do this using the --contract option. Here's an example:

npx hardhat verify --contract "contracts/MyTokenContract.sol:MyToken" --network mantleTest 0x3A2b26...

- Contract invocation error: Bytecode does not match, please try again

If you encounter this error, check the following:

  • Whether the compiler version is the same

  • Whether the optimization runs match (if you've enabled optimization)

  • Whether the contract name matches exactly as specified in the source code

Standard Bridge

- Error when withdrawing: no bridge found for token pair

Try switching to a different RPC provider. Available RPCs: Node RPC Providers


- Error: Awaiting internal transactions for reason

You may encounter this error if you there are multiple internal transaction calls in the contract being invoked. This does not necessarily mean the transaction has failed, just that the explorer is yet to receive acknowledgements for all the internal transactions.

Last updated