Oracle Quorum


Consensus Layer data for mETH Protocol is provided by a permissioned set of Service Oracle Reporters, which must agree on the data for the Oracle report to be accepted by the Oracle Quorum Manager contract. The quorum policy consists of both an:

Absolute Threshold - The absolute number of reporters that have to submit the same report for it to be accepted; and

Relative Threshold - The relative number of reporters (in basis points) that have to submit the same report for it to be accepted. It is a value between 0 and 10000 basis points (i.e., 0 to 100%). It's used to determine what proportion of the total number of reporters need to agree on a report for it to be accepted - scaled with getRoleMemberCount(SERVICE_ORACLE_REPORTER).


OracleQuorumManager (Proxy) Contract: 0x92e56d2146D54d5AEcB25CA36c89D027a6ea0D90

OracleQuorumManager (Implementation) Code:

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