Merkle Roots

Status: Under Development

The contents of this page are currently under development and may be updated frequently without prior notice. It is not recommended to use the information on this page for production purposes.


This page lists the active MerkleRoots and Leafs: a cryptographically secured whitelist of actions available to the Strategist, such as mETH routing and rebalancing. The ManagerWithMerkleVerfication contract can supports multiple MerkleRoots, with each Strategist assigned to a specific MerkleRoot.

For more details on the mechanics, interpretation, and walkthroughs, please see Merkle Verification

Active List

The current MerkleRoot x Strategist assignments can be viewed using Sim Explorer


MerkleRoot: 0x9746e6e59bb9c9a05af48b466df5be3dbd2bd8db622ecb1e7d1c1451de273e2c

Purpose: Regular rebalancing of mETH between the Vault, DelayWithdraw, PositionManager(s), and restaking protocols.

ActiveLeafs: 60

Strategists: 2 Veda - 0x7cc4E9Cc7a7772FadDbDC488d63F10162730E10d Mantle - 0x3370bEAc97d1654e03674Aab1B89668237ba320E Github:


As of 240902, the above is under going a simplification process (pruning of Leafs) and a recategorization (of Leafs into Roots).


Purpose: Infrequent or one-time actions, such as acceptOwnership.



Purpose: Routing reward assets between the BoringVault and RewardHandler systems.



Purpose: Arbitrary calls on PositionManagers that may be necessary due to new or unanticipated functions released by restaking protocols, such as new methods for claiming rewards or receiving AVS payments.


Last updated