
Product Status: Mainnet v1 (permissionless staking, with mETH capacity limit)


Mantle Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) is a permissionless, non-custodial ETH liquid staking protocol deployed on Ethereum L1 and governed by Mantle. Mantle Staked Ether (mETH) serves as the value-accumulating receipt token.


Highly Rewarding mETH Experience

  • Expanded Yield Opportunities: mETH aims to become the most widely adopted and capital-efficient ETH staking token. Adoption priorities include Mantle L2 DeFi applications, Mantle L2 core technology partners, and centralized exchange partners.

  • Core Yield: The objective is to maintain the highest sustainable core yield through the exploration of MEV and Treasury yield sharing.

Simple and Modern Architecture

  • Utilizes a modern design following the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade.

  • Emphasis on the integrity of the ETH : mETH process on L1, without added complexities from other PoS tokens and chains.

Robust Risk Management

  • Core smart contracts and off-chain services are non-custodial, ensuring that the staked ETH remains within protocol-defined smart contract addresses.

  • Core smart contracts enforce sanity bounds and risk limits.

  • Segregation of roles and permissions between Oracles, Guardians (Pausers), Operators (Mantle Core Engineering), and Mantle Security Council.

  • Validation services performed by Tier 1 Node Operators.

A Mantle Core Product

  • Synergies with Mantle Ecosystem products and applications.

  • Leverages Mantle core contributor engineering and growth capabilities.

  • Adheres to Mantle Governance process.

  • Access to Mantle Treasury resources.

Product Information


Official Front End

Staking Contract (L1)

mETH token address (L1)

mETH token address (L2)


Mantle LSP Fee

10% of rewards. A portion is shared with the Node Operators

Node Operators


Quorum required: 3 of 6 Update frequency: 8 hours

End Users

Primary Market: Staking and Unstaking

  • Stake ETH to instantly receive mETH.

  • Unstake mETH to reclaim the initially staked ETH and accumulated rewards, with delays synchronized with the estimated "Exit Queue" wait time, and the Unstake Lifecycle.

  • The exchange rate between ETH and mETH is deterministically calculated — there is no slippage caused by the stake or unstake size.

Secondary Market: Buying and Selling mETH

  • Buy and sell mETH on centralized and decentralized exchanges.

  • The price of mETH on exchanges is determined through price discovery. Large trades may experience slippage.


Jul. 14, 2023: Mantle LSP proposed to the community via a Mantle forum post. Mantle LSP represents the second core product of Mantle Ecosystem, following Mantle Network L2.

Aug. 05, 2023: Staking of Treasury ETH authorized by a August 5, 2023 Governance Proposal MIP-25.

Oct. 06, 2023: Mainnet contracts deployed for Permissioned Closed Alpha (core contributor whitelist, 1000 mETH cap).

Nov. 22, 2023: Permissioned Alpha (expanded whitelist, 50000 mETH cap).

Nov.27, 2023: Alpha (permissionless staking, 50000 mETH cap).

Dec. 08, 2023: Mainnet v1 (permissionless staking, 250000 mETH cap).

Dec. 22, 2023 Double Dose Drive launch campaign.

Note: mETH capacity limit will be gradually increased.

More on LSPs

A Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) facilitates the pooling of ETH deposits from stakers, enabling their participation in rewards generated by Ethereum's Proof of Stake validation services. A receipt token is provided to represent a claim to the underlying staked principal and accumulated rewards. The receipt token can be utilized in other applications. Rewards are received from issuance, priority fees, and MEV. Rewards are shared among the stakers, LSP, and node operator (validation service provider).

For further information on LSPs and the Ethereum Staking Landscape, please refer to the following resources: Nansen - Landscape Article, Jon Charbonneau - Landscape Article, Dune Analytics, and DefiLlama Analytics.

Last updated