
Transfer Restrictions - The content contained in this website does not constitute an offer or sale of securities in or into the United States, or to or for the account or benefit of U.S. persons, or in any other jurisdictions where it is unlawful to do so. Transfer of MNT tokens may be subject to legal restrictions under applicable laws. Under no circumstances shall MNT tokens be reoffered, resold or transferred within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


  1. The $MNT token serves dual roles as a governance and utility token within Mantle Ecosystem, providing holders with both voting rights and practical functionality.

  2. In terms of governance, each $MNT token carries an equal vote weight, enabling token holders to actively participate in DAO voting and influence the decision-making process. This ensures a decentralized and community-driven approach to shape the future of the Mantle Ecosystem.

  3. As a utility token, $MNT is utilized for gas fees on Mantle Network. Additionally, $MNT tokens can serve as collateral assets for Mantle Network nodes, further incentivizing participation and contributing to the security and stability of the network.

  4. The $MNT token is an ERC-20 token, with similar functionality to other L2 blockchain tokens. $MNT advanced token functions are on L1, where as the L2 version is a standard bridge-wrapped ERC-20.

  5. It's important to note that DAOs are highly customizable and adaptable structures. The information provided regarding $MNT token governance and utility represents the current state of affairs. However, as Mantle Ecosystem evolves and progresses, the content and functionality described are subject to modifications based on the Mantle Governance process.

  6. The $MNT token has no significant vesting schedules by nature of the Mantle ecosystem genesis proposals BIP-21 and MNT-22.

  7. $MNT held in Mantle Treasury can be considered "not in circulation". The distribution of $MNT tokens from the Mantle Treasury is subject to the Mantle Governance process. The budgeting, capital call, and distribution process follow a strict procedure. $MNT held in Mantle Core Budget are intended to be used for the current phase of development and adoption.

$MNT Token Address

Distribution and Supply

Current Distribution

Calculate via API

Calculate Manually

Total Supply: query the totalSupply method of MNT token contract

Mantle Treasury: query the $MNT balance of Mantle Treasury addresses: #treasury-holdings-core

Mantle Core Budget: query the $MNT balance of Mantle Core Budget addresses: Budget Related

Initial Distribution

The 2023-07-07 initial distribution of $MNT is as follows:

Holder Category$MNT tokens [1]ShareVesting, Distribution

Mantle Treasury [2]



Based on Mantle Governance Proposals







[1] Based on 2023-07-07 snapshot and post-approval of MIP-23: $MNT Supply Optimization.

[2] Includes the core holdings treasuries for DAO governed and undistributed $MNT tokens, and DAO-owned liquidity positions such as MNT:ETH LP pairs. Excludes Mantle product budget treasuries and Mantle protocol fee related wallets.

Distributions from Mantle Treasury

The distribution of $MNT tokens from the Mantle Treasury is subject to the Mantle Governance process. The budgeting, capital call, and distribution process follow a strict procedure, exemplified by the BIP-19 Mantle Network Budget. As of June 2023, there are no formal discussions on macro targets or restrictions regarding the distribution of $MNT tokens. However, the following major categories are anticipated:

  1. User Incentives: One of the priorities is to drive user adoption of Mantle products by implementing various strategies such as multi-season achievements, quests, and other incentive programs. The target metrics for user adoption include daily active users, total transactions and protocol fees, total value locked (TVL), and other relevant product adoption metrics. These incentives aim to attract and engage users within Mantle Ecosystem.

  2. Technology Partner Incentives: This category focuses on incentivizing dApps, infrastructure service providers, and core protocol technology partners who contribute to the growth and development of Mantle Ecosystem. By providing incentives to these partners, Mantle aims to foster collaborations and partnerships that enhance the overall ecosystem and expand its capabilities.

  3. Core Contributor Team and Advisors: This category is subject to the same budget proposal process, ensuring transparency and accountability in the allocation of resources to the team and advisors who actively contribute to the success of the project.

  4. Other Opportunities: This category includes potential opportunities that may arise, such as acquisitions, token swaps, treasury sales, and other deals. Each opportunity will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration their potential benefits to Mantle Ecosystem and alignment with the project's goals.

Active Proposals

This section documents all approved Mantle Governance proposals which have a material impact on the distribution of $MNT distribution from the Mantle Treasury. The movement of assets is tracked and recorded by the Treasury Monitor.

AuthorizationApplicable PeriodMax Allowance

Up to 6 months of Mantle Network Testnet, and 1 Year of Mainnet.

Ecosystem Incentives equivalent to 100M $MNT. Technology Partner Incentives equivalent to 45M $MNT.

Token Functions

See Etherscan $MNT token code.

Last updated